December 28, 2009
No Such Thing as MINOR Victories
Ran for a full 7.4 minutes today. Raised a wild turkey, if only for 3 days. Having a needed conversation I didn’t want to have and it went well. A friend giving just the words at just the right time. Found inspiration for a blog. Developed friendships all over the world. Washed dishes. Survived sand fly bytes. Still looking for any reason God created sand flies. Found the perfect stand-in teddy bear until I get home to my beloved Space (Yes, his name is Space, I was like 5). Moved to another country and fit in quite well. Discovered how good Swiss chocolate is especially when received from a Swiss friend :) Talked to friends and family all day long. Own a motor cycle and know how to drive it!!!! Reminded that every day starts new. Got off my bed and exercised. Learning how to focus on the good. I fit back into my pants, if only for 3 days. Discovered it is possible to fit back into my pants. Learned how to drive manual on the left side of the road with a 11 passenger van on gravel roads. Concord feeding 40 people everyday for 3 months. Ran around in a rain storm and got drenched. Spun in circles with arms out and head back in the middle of Christchurch square. Read a book in 3 days. And then another. Continually finding children at the door looking for me. My computer works! Having a well needed cry. Friends cooking for me. Overcoming myself and pushing through the hard lessons to grow. Being inspired by a T.V. show…
What are your victories?
August 21, 2009
DTS 2009
Shadrach, Meshach, & Abed-Nego
A few days latter I found myself amidst a group of children gathering to pray. The Mama leading the children asked a few minutes before the meeting if I could share a story with the children. Ahh ha! I had just the story to tell! After sharing about Shadrach, Meshack, & Benny to these children I continued to tell the story all over Vanuatu. It showed how God really can use bad situations for His good.
This continued to happen in every other village we stayed. We continued to crack up ever time. Our leader asked me “why do they keep calling to you?” I laughed and told her they must all know that I am the chief of our group. From then on she referred to me as chief. One of the villages the mama guest straight away who was the oldest and youngest. Instinct of a mother I guess. We may never know the true reason I became the chief.
Not a Foreigner!
The Lord has a way of bringing encouragement just when we need. Reading the bible one evening a verse just about jumped off the page. I found myself reading it again, then again, and again. It read “Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone.” Ephesians 2:19-20. Reading this scripture realizing that as an American coming from
May 12, 2009
11 May 2009
Who of us does not feel alone in a crowded room?
All by ourselves though surrounded by love?
Clouded by the lies that flood our heads.
Crying out in silence and no one hears.
The lies come louder…
You are alone!
No one cares!
You have no friends!
The truth that not one of us is alone.
That when we reach out to one another in our hurt,
A wound can heal a wound.
The truth that none of us are alone!
Open your eyes and look around.
See with new eyes that no one reaches out to you
Because they are hurting too!
In your loneliness and pain reach out to the ones you once despised
For not reaching out to you.
Love in your pain and see what happens.
1 May 2009
The world says love lifts us up where we belong.
It says love is a many splendid things.
They constantly tell us about love,
But what do they show us about love?
Is love someone who sings outside your window in the rain?
Is love something that burns bright for a bit and then fizzles away?
What is it?
Is it given freely?
Does someone out there really “complete me”?
Love can be found in a bottle.
It is a feeling.
It has little value and is easily replaced.
Love is a man or a woman.
Love is sex.
Love is physical.
What is the truth?
What is Love?
The truth is without love we are nothing.
Love suffers and does not give up.
Love does not envy.
Love does not parade itself.
Love is not puffed up.
Love does not behave rudely.
It does not seek its own.
It is not provoked.
Love thinks no evil.
Love does not rejoice in iniquities, but in the truth.
Love bears all things,
Believes all things,
Hopes all things,
Endures all things!
Love never fails.
Who I Trust
10 April 2009
It is You who I trust.
I lean on no other,
For when I do I fall.
Not my money,
Which quickly fades away.
Not the sun in the sky,
Which clouds cover and hide.
Not the car that I drive,
Which can putter and die.
Not the food on my plate,
Which is eaten and gone.
Not a song in my ear,
Which comforts and ends.
Nothing without you?
May 2, 2009
Hide and Seek
30 April
1-2-3 here I come!
Daddy, daddy where are you?
I am in the clouds
And in the breeze.
I am in the light
And in the dark.
I am in the grass
And in the sea.
Keep looking and you will find me.
30 April
A pit?
A cave?
A rabbit hole?
Falling, falling, falling.
Not knowing up from down,
Surrounded by the absence of light.
Falling, falling, falling
Is there a bottom?
Is there an end?
Surly I will sprain an ankle
Or break a limb if the end is found.
Floating, floating, floating down
Into an abyss.
All that is known is that it is unknown.
No sky, no ground, no wind, no light.
What time is it?
What day is it?
What year is it?
Falling, falling, falling
April 8, 2009
Holding Back
2 April 2009
What are the things I can not see?
The things that hold me back?
Show me the dark places hiding in my soul,
The hidden closets where secrets like to go.
Expose them with gentleness and wash them away.
Bring light to the darkness in my heart.
Bring light oh Lord and make me clean!
I adore you my child! I am here for you. I have already washed you clean with the blood of my son! Live in that freedom of being clean. You have been reborn and made new! Live in the freedom you already have!!! Your closets have already been opened and cleaned. I have already washed you and made you pure! You were born into me not into sin! Live in me not the bondage of a lie!
Your Daddy
Let him Go
31 March 2009
Let Him go my child,
Let Him go.
I gave him to you for a little while
To teach you who I am.
Let Him go.
You have learned what I wanted him to teach you,
Now it is my turn to step in.
Let him go.
You have grown
And many lessons have you learned.
Let him go.
Trust in me now,
Learn from my teachings.
I am here!
Small Voice
Small Voice
31 March 2009
I know you hear me but are you listening?
You ask me questions but seldom do you listen to my answers.
I would like to share my life with you but I’m not sure how.
How can you know who I am if the words I say are lost among your thoughts?
Am I speaking to softly?
I’m sure that can not be the case.
I will keep trying to answer you but I don’t know how long I can talk to you while your hands are over your ears.
I learn that intimacy comes with being fully known by another and finding significance in that relationship.
I want you to fully know me but I need you to take your hands off your ears and listen.
I am hear wanting to be fully known, are you ready to listen to my small voice?
31 March 2009
In her mind she sat in the corner with her knees pulled to her chin held there tightly with crossed arms. Usually her head was collapsed on the top with her eyes squeezed shut trying to trap the tears from escaping. She felt safe and untouchable in this place. If she hid her eyes from seeing others then maybe they could not see her. She couldn’t see the truth in who she was, instead she hid her beauty in hope that no one would see. She felt weak alone and untalented. The lies had crept in and tangled themselves into the truth like a poisonous vine. Her shame went deeper than she realized as she tried to drown out reality. She was covered in so much undeserved shave she could hardly stand. She dare not cry in fear of being heard and forced to leave her imaginary corner. Little did she know her corner was filled with people doing the same thing. All tangled together in the lies, yet none of them had any idea because they all feared to look up.
March 27, 2009
We had an impromptu worship session this morning and sang the song Freedom Reigns in This Place. FREEDOM...What does that word really mean to you? No really, stop and ponder what does freedom look like in your life?
If freedom were a color, to me it would be Green. The sound of cows mooing reminds me of freedom and brings a smile to my face every time I hear one. Tall tree houses and the sound of trains are freedom from adulthood. Mowing lawns and digging gardens are freedom from a desk. Waterslides and stickball games are freedom from solitude. Cutting off all of your hair and not thinking twice about it is freedom from image. The Milky Way seems to be freedom from the world if only for a second, until reality gently glides us back to earth. The ocean is freedom from thinking we are big and important. Long hikes through the forest are freedom from thinking we are in control. Hugs from friends are freedom from loneliness. Good teachings are freedom from ignorance.
So what is freedom? Can it be had or found simply in the things we see and do or is it bigger? Is freedom something we can obtain on our own? Maybe to an extent we can find freedom. Have you found it yet? I think the only way to find true whole freedom is in letting go of everything, realizing we really can do nothing on our own. True Freedom comes when you can say here is my life Lord, I am finished trying to live on my own and trust that YOU are in control. When I let God take over what do I possibly have to worry about? He is in control that is the ultimate FREEDOM.
March 2, 2009
What do you DO for a living?
Many people are also asking me why I quit my job, especially in the present economy. When faced with this question I am given the opportunity to share a bit about what I will be doing. I share about Youth With A Mission and that the reason for leaving the country is to study the bible and serve people. Already a few amazing conversations have started from that little question. It seems like a crazy time to be walking away from a steady income but I know there is so much more for me than a 9-5 job in an office staring at a computer. I need sunshine, fresh air, and people! Yes, all of those things are in California, so why the need to leave the country? My desire is to grow into a woman after God's heart, much like King David (minus the whole Bethshiba part). One way to get closer to this goal is to trust the Lord with everything. Leaving everything I have known behind...friends, family, $ in a savings account, American culture, and yes, even my cell phone, I will have no other option but to trust the Lord.
Here I go in my leap of faith knowing that the Lord will bless me as I trust Him that all of my needs will be met. If you would like to help provide for me financially just click on the donate button above and Paypal will make sure I receive any funds you might like to contribute.
Thanks Friends!
What do you do for a living?
February 27, 2009
All I know at this point is that I fly out of LAX March 12 and arrive at the Auckland airport March 14. OK, I know a little bit more such as, I will be studying and training in New Zealand for 3 months and then out serving people somewhere in the world for another 3 months. Most of you are probably tired of hearing this part, but once I actually leave the country I'm sure my blogs will become more exciting :)
The empty boxes which have been sitting in my garage for the last few months are starting to get filled! I thought it was a good time since my move out date is tomorrow. The reality of how big a life change I am making might set in a bit when my room is left with empty white walls and ghost like furniture leaving only reminders in the carpet of their existence. It is getting closer and closer!
Many things are coming together but it seems like there is still so much to be done before I leave. Luckily I gave myself a month to get ready which is looking like it will be perfect. I suppose I should go finish packing, just wanted to introduce you all to my blog which will be updated as much as possible while I am away.