May 12, 2009


11 May 2009

Who of us does not feel alone in a crowded room?
All by ourselves though surrounded by love?
Clouded by the lies that flood our heads.
Crying out in silence and no one hears.
The lies come louder…
You are alone!
No one cares!
You have no friends!

What can silence lies but truth?
The truth that not one of us is alone.
That when we reach out to one another in our hurt,
A wound can heal a wound.
The truth that none of us are alone!
Open your eyes and look around.
See with new eyes that no one reaches out to you
Because they are hurting too!
In your loneliness and pain reach out to the ones you once despised
For not reaching out to you.
Love in your pain and see what happens.


1 May 2009

The world says love lifts us up where we belong.
It says love is a many splendid things.
They constantly tell us about love,
But what do they show us about love?

Is love a one night stand?
Is love someone who sings outside your window in the rain?
Is love something that burns bright for a bit and then fizzles away?

What is it?
Does it have to be fought for?
Is it given freely?
Does someone out there really “complete me”?

We have been shown that love can fade.
Love can be found in a bottle.
It is a feeling.
It has little value and is easily replaced.
Love is a man or a woman.
Love is sex.
Love is physical.
Somewhere along the way someone got it wrong!

What is the truth?
What is Love?

The truth is without love we are nothing.
Love suffers and does not give up.
Love does not envy.
Love does not parade itself.

Love is not puffed up.
Love does not behave rudely.
It does not seek its own.
It is not provoked.

Love thinks no evil.
Love does not rejoice in iniquities, but in the truth.
Love bears all things,
Believes all things,
Hopes all things,
Endures all things!

Love never fails.

Who I Trust

Who I Trust
10 April 2009

It is You who I trust.
I lean on no other,
For when I do I fall.

It is You who I trust.
Not my money,
Which quickly fades away.

It is You who I trust.
Not the sun in the sky,
Which clouds cover and hide.

It is You who I trust.
Not the car that I drive,
Which can putter and die.

It is You who I trust.
Not the food on my plate,
Which is eaten and gone.

It is You who I trust.
Not a song in my ear,
Which comforts and ends.

For what are these things but
Nothing without you?

May 2, 2009

Hide and Seek

Hide and Seek
30 April

1-2-3 here I come!
Daddy, daddy where are you?

My child I am everywhere
I am in the clouds
And in the breeze.
I am in the light
And in the dark.
I am in the grass
And in the sea.
Keep looking and you will find me.

When you find me it is my turn to search for you.


30 April

A pit?
A cave?
A rabbit hole?
Falling, falling, falling.
Not knowing up from down,
Surrounded by the absence of light.

Falling, falling, falling
Is there a bottom?
Is there an end?
Surly I will sprain an ankle
Or break a limb if the end is found.

Floating, floating, floating down
Into an abyss.
All that is known is that it is unknown.
No sky, no ground, no wind, no light.

What time is it?
What day is it?
What year is it?
Falling, falling, falling

Falling into the unknown.