August 21, 2009

DTS 2009

Reaching a point in life were it seemed my faith had hit a plateau, a big leap needed to be taken for any change to happen. Hearing about the adventure program at Oakridge I knew that was my leap. I threw myself into everything from the get go wanting to get as much out of every moment as possible. The more I let go the more gifts God gave, for example writing poetry for the first time in my life. If there was one word to describe my DTS it would be FREEDOM.

Shadrach, Meshach, & Abed-Nego

One night while sleeping in a hut in Vanuatu (an island country next to Figi) I shook myself awake from a horrible dream. Normally my slumber is nightmare free, but not this night. The fear was so paralyzing just leaving bed was out of the question so I grabbed a bible and read. The word “furnace” kept coming to mind which lead to the story of Shadrach, Meshach, & Abed-Nego. Just finishing the story one of the girls in my room woke up which helped dissipate the fear. We both went back to sleep nightmare free. Waking in the morning I thought the night was all a bit strange but glad the fear was gone. Not knowing why any of this happened continued with my day.

A few days latter I found myself amidst a group of children gathering to pray. The Mama leading the children asked a few minutes before the meeting if I could share a story with the children. Ahh ha! I had just the story to tell! After sharing about Shadrach, Meshack, & Benny to these children I continued to tell the story all over Vanuatu. It showed how God really can use bad situations for His good.


Out of our team of 7, yours truly was the oldest at age 28 and the youngest was 19. We stayed in many different villages while on the islands of Vanuatu. It seemed like the entire village came to greet us as we walked into each new place. Everyone lined up to shake our hands and say hello. The first place we stayed I heard a faint “Christina, Christina”. I looked at the girls in the room, “is someone calling me?” I went outside to find Mama looking for me to say dinner was ready and please tell the others. This seems like a very natural situation but the odd thing was she walked past half our team to tell me. The next morning while we were all still in our beds I hear the same faint call “Christina, Christina breakfast is ready. I look at the other girls and we all start laughing that she called me again seeing I am not even a leader. Why does she keep calling to me?

This continued to happen in every other village we stayed. We continued to crack up ever time. Our leader asked me “why do they keep calling to you?” I laughed and told her they must all know that I am the chief of our group. From then on she referred to me as chief. One of the villages the mama guest straight away who was the oldest and youngest. Instinct of a mother I guess. We may never know the true reason I became the chief.

Not a Foreigner!

The Lord has a way of bringing encouragement just when we need. Reading the bible one evening a verse just about jumped off the page. I found myself reading it again, then again, and again. It read “Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone.” Ephesians 2:19-20. Reading this scripture realizing that as an American coming from New Zealand and staying in Vanuatu I was living out this scripture. The Ni-vans took us in as their family and I was definitely not a foreigner in a foreign land!! Scripture became alive at this point and I realized the magnitude of my family. All of my families have blessed me so much! I am beginning to realize how Paul felt when he wrote to his friends telling them he wished he could be with them but he had to remain. My family is now spread all over the world from the U.S. to Germany to Canada to Ireland to Switzerland to Singapore to Vanuatu and beyond! I love you all!