December 28, 2009

No Such Thing as MINOR Victories

There is no such thing as only a MINOR victory. Every victory should be called just what it is…a VICTORY. No matter the depth or weight in which it may appear to carry. It is still a victory and not to be dethroned by adding the word minor as a prefix. Stop hiding your quests in a corner or shoving them in the shadows of other seeming “larger” quests and celebrate each and every one!

Ran for a full 7.4 minutes today. Raised a wild turkey, if only for 3 days. Having a needed conversation I didn’t want to have and it went well. A friend giving just the words at just the right time. Found inspiration for a blog. Developed friendships all over the world. Washed dishes. Survived sand fly bytes. Still looking for any reason God created sand flies. Found the perfect stand-in teddy bear until I get home to my beloved Space (Yes, his name is Space, I was like 5). Moved to another country and fit in quite well. Discovered how good Swiss chocolate is especially when received from a Swiss friend :) Talked to friends and family all day long. Own a motor cycle and know how to drive it!!!! Reminded that every day starts new. Got off my bed and exercised. Learning how to focus on the good. I fit back into my pants, if only for 3 days. Discovered it is possible to fit back into my pants. Learned how to drive manual on the left side of the road with a 11 passenger van on gravel roads. Concord feeding 40 people everyday for 3 months. Ran around in a rain storm and got drenched. Spun in circles with arms out and head back in the middle of Christchurch square. Read a book in 3 days. And then another. Continually finding children at the door looking for me. My computer works! Having a well needed cry. Friends cooking for me. Overcoming myself and pushing through the hard lessons to grow. Being inspired by a T.V. show…

What are your victories?