March 27, 2009


We had an impromptu worship session this morning and sang the song Freedom Reigns in This Place. FREEDOM...What does that word really mean to you? No really, stop and ponder what does freedom look like in your life?

If freedom were a color, to me it would be Green. The sound of cows mooing reminds me of freedom and brings a smile to my face every time I hear one. Tall tree houses and the sound of trains are freedom from adulthood. Mowing lawns and digging gardens are freedom from a desk. Waterslides and stickball games are freedom from solitude. Cutting off all of your hair and not thinking twice about it is freedom from image. The Milky Way seems to be freedom from the world if only for a second, until reality gently glides us back to earth. The ocean is freedom from thinking we are big and important. Long hikes through the forest are freedom from thinking we are in control. Hugs from friends are freedom from loneliness. Good teachings are freedom from ignorance.

So what is freedom? Can it be had or found simply in the things we see and do or is it bigger? Is freedom something we can obtain on our own? Maybe to an extent we can find freedom. Have you found it yet? I think the only way to find true whole freedom is in letting go of everything, realizing we really can do nothing on our own. True Freedom comes when you can say here is my life Lord, I am finished trying to live on my own and trust that YOU are in control. When I let God take over what do I possibly have to worry about? He is in control that is the ultimate FREEDOM.

March 2, 2009

What do you DO for a living?

I have discovered that quitting my job has opened the doors for me to share my faith! Generally when you meet someone new the first question is "what is your name." quickly followed by "so, what is it you do for a living?". In the past the answer has always been the description of a job I had at the time. Now, for the first time I have no job to confuse the truth of what I actually do for a living. That TRUTH being how I try to love those around me and pray those people see the joy and peace I have because of the relationship I have with God. So, what do I DO for a living? Simply put I trust the Lord and tell those around me the truth about God. Finally the scripture that says "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have." 1Peter 3:15 makes so much sence!

Many people are also asking me why I quit my job, especially in the present economy. When faced with this question I am given the opportunity to share a bit about what I will be doing. I share about Youth With A Mission and that the reason for leaving the country is to study the bible and serve people. Already a few amazing conversations have started from that little question. It seems like a crazy time to be walking away from a steady income but I know there is so much more for me than a 9-5 job in an office staring at a computer. I need sunshine, fresh air, and people! Yes, all of those things are in California, so why the need to leave the country? My desire is to grow into a woman after God's heart, much like King David (minus the whole Bethshiba part). One way to get closer to this goal is to trust the Lord with everything. Leaving everything I have known behind...friends, family, $ in a savings account, American culture, and yes, even my cell phone, I will have no other option but to trust the Lord.

Here I go in my leap of faith knowing that the Lord will bless me as I trust Him that all of my needs will be met. If you would like to help provide for me financially just click on the donate button above and Paypal will make sure I receive any funds you might like to contribute.

Thanks Friends!

What do you do for a living?